Research survey: swimming inclusion for people with a disability
Research Project Survey - Swimming Inclusion for People with a Physical Disability
Katrina Murphy at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) is completing a this study on behalf of Swimming Australia as part of her PhD into swimming inclusion.
She is interested in "the barriers to participation, the reasons for non-participation and the benefits swimming activity provides".
She is keen for your responses to this survey if you:
have a disability
are a parent of a person with a disability
work for an organisation around disability
work with people who have disabilities.
It's looking at things that make it easier or more difficult for you/ your child to participate in swimming, so even if you're not getting into the water much these days you will have an important perspective to share.
The purpose of looking at these issues is to look at how everyone can get more involved in swimming, and it is also looking at development in the lead up the the Paralympics.
For more Information, contact Katrina -