Life skills HSC
This is a great article about Marnie and Lucy who are completing their HSC subjects in life skills.
Their learning support teacher, Stephanie Kuldan, said "Their parents and teachers won't always be there to help them, so they need to be able to do things for themselves... Marnie can make a cup of tea and she can make spaghetti bolognaise. It's little things like that that she won't always need someone to do for her now."
HSC Life skills courses are available for students with specific learning needs after a collaborative decision making process.
Subjects include areas such as:
english, maths and science life skills
personal development, health and physical education life skills
citizenship and society life skills
creative arts life skills
technology life skills
work and community life skills
In Victoria, the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a hands-on option for students in Years 11 and 12. It is an accredited secondary certificate, like the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).
Students have the opportunity to build:
practical work-related experience
literacy and numeracy skills
personal skills that are important for life and work.
Find out more information about:
information from the Royal Children's Hospital about studying the VCE with a chronic condition or disability, and planning for VCE, schoolies and further education